Has the UN simply failed in Syria, or is it complicit in the regime's crimes?

Feb 06, 2021

As we approach the tenth anniversary of the Syrian uprising, the conflict rages on with no apparent end in sight. The role of the United Nations, the international organisation created to keep the peace and promote human rights in the world, has clearly been a dismal failure. Whilst no one claims that the Syrian conflict is the death knell for the UN, it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the organisation can move forward from here. A litany of failures by the organisation has resulted in the Syrian people feeling abandoned by the international community.

'Independent' UN rights expert condemning Caesar's Law sanctions is Kremlin-allied Belarusian academic, RT regular

Dec 29, 2020

A statement issued by the United Nations report on Tuesday cites Alena Douhan, the UN’s ‘special rapporteur on the negative impacts of unilateral coercive measures on human rights’, who expressed concern that the sanctions imposed on Bashar al-Assad’s regime under the Caesar Act “risk exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation in Syria, especially in the course of COVID-19 pandemic, and put Syrians at even greater risk of rights violations.”

Over 14,300 people tortured to death in Syria: report

Jun 26, 2020

A total of 14,388 people have been documented as being tortured to death in Syrian civil war since March 2011 – an average of just over four people per day - with the vast majority of these killed by Bashar al-Assad’s regime, according to a new report from the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR).

Ahead of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, SNHR, which documents violations of civil rights, prepared a special report for the Anadolu Agency on victims killed under torture in Syria

Russia quits UN system aimed at protecting hospitals, aid in Syria

Jun 26, 2020

Russia has quit a United Nations arrangement that aimed to protect hospitals and humanitarian aid deliveries in Syria from being hit by the warring parties, according to a UN note to aid groups seen on Thursday.

The Russian move comes after an internal UN inquiry in April found it was “highly probable” that the Syrian regime or its allies carried out attacks on three healthcare facilities, a school and a refuge for children in northwest Syria last year.

The Caesar Act and what awaits Syria

By Ali Cinar, TRT World

As the world continues its fight against Covid-19, the suffering in Syria, and some of the bloodiest years in the Middle East, do not abate. We are facing the fact that half a million people have been killed by Assad, and 6.5 million Syrians have been forced into displacement by the conflict.

Neither the United Nations nor the European Union has been able to take the desired steps for the Syrian crisis. Several countries thousands of kilometers away have tried to divide Syria for their own agendas.